The 6th grade music classes have been working on a folk song project for the end of the quarter. Today one of our groups went outside to sing the National Anthem for their class.
JHBoys Basketball practice starts on Thursday, October 21st. You need to have a completed/signed physical form turned in to the school. If you do not have a physical you still need to be at practice, but will not be able to participate until you have a physical turned in.
Sioux Central 3rd graders had a blast at the lake today!
Leo Ransaure is a preschool student at SC who, due to profound hearing loss, has cochlear implants to help him restore or improve the ability to hear and understand speech. His para, Katie Kragel, collaborated with Brandon Goodchild and made a 3D model of his CI for the Curious George in the classroom. Mr. Goodchild designed and printed the model, and Mrs. Kragel painted it. Leo loves the preschool George who now sports headgear just like him. We are so thankful for staff who teach acceptance and inclusion every day.
Have you downloaded the app for Sioux Central Community School? It’s everything SC in your pocket. Download the app on
Android: or
Sioux Central will be hosting the first round of regional volleyball tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. Tickets need to be purchased online and can be found at No local passes (i.e. School/Twin Lakes Conference/etc) will be accepted.
Two options for viewing the football game tonight. You may use the site and browse for Sioux Central...or you may use Metro sports at Go Rebels!
Just a reminder...if you are planning on attending the regional volleyball match on Monday you will need to purchase tickets online. Please go to to buy them.
Just a reminder that BOTH flu shots (For those who qualify) and COVID shots for anyone, are being given on Wed. Oct 20th, at school. Get your consents signed and turn them into me (Marikay, School nurse) before that day.
Congratulations to the Junior High football teams on successful seasons. Special congrats to the 7th grade for going UNDEFEATED on the year!
Congratulations to the Junior High football teams on successful seasons. Special congrats to the 7th grade for going UNDEFEATED on the year!
My News Production class attended a Walsworth yearbook workshop today.
Thank you to the Sioux Central PIE committee for sponsoring my students so they can take part in this opportunity! We appreciate all you do for our students!
Sioux Central has been selected to host the first round of regional volleyball next Monday, October 18th. Cash will not be accepted and tickets need to be purchased online at Game time is 7:00 p.m. Go Rebels!
We will be honoring our senior football players, cheerleaders, and cross country runners at the home football game tomorrow night. All senior parents need to be at the northwest end of the field by 6:35 to be introduced. Go Rebels!
The varsity volleyball matches tonight will start at 5:00 p.m. and will be held in Lake City. Also, the tournament on Saturday will start at 10:00 a.m. in Storm Lake. Go Rebels!
The JH football game tomorrow in Hartley will be one game of 7th/8th grade combined followed by 2 quarters of 7th grade only. We have added a 7th grade only game for this Thursday. It will be here in Sioux Rapids starting at 4:15 p.m. and will be at least 6 quarters.
Seniors and Senior Parents: Need help filling out the FAFSA? An advisor from the Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) will be at Sioux Central on Wednesday, October 20th from 1:00pm-8:00pm to meet individually with students and their families to help them complete the FAFSA. Appointments are in 40 minute time slots. If interested, see Ms. Weinzetl or call (712) 283-2571 to set up an appointment by Friday, October 15th.
The volleyball match tonight against Storm Lake St. Mary's will be livestreamed on the Storm Lake radio.
The HS volleyball games for tomorrow night will start with JV at 5:30 p.m. and varsity to follow, approximately 7:00 p.m.
To guarantee yourself a camp shirt please have your camp form and payment turned in by Friday, October 8. Please contact Coach Tjaden.