Per IHSAA and IGHSAU guidelines, there are NO restrictions to attendance at the state track meet. You will still need to purchase your tickets online, however, a pass code is NOT required. GA tickets will go on sale today at noon.
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
#SiouxCentral Girls Golf Update! Congrats to Kendra Casey on advancing to Regional Finals held May 24th in Hull. Kendra placed 3rd in Mapleton after shooting a 90 in 18 holes of play. The lady Rebels placed 4th as a team with a score of 447. Good luck, Kendra!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Here's the link to buy tickets for the state track meet. At this time the only people that can buy tickets are two fans for each participant. More tickets will go on sale Wednesday. Ticket Link:
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
Congratulations to our #SiouxCentral members of the Storm Lake Trapshooters for their accomplishments this weekend! The Storm Lake Trapshooting team consists of athletes from Sioux Central, Albert City-Truesdale, Storm Lake, Storm Lake St. Mary's, and Newell-Fonda. The team has 3 weeks of regular season meets left before heading to the state competition on June 9 - 12.
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Congratulations to members of the Storm Lake Trapshooters for their accomplishments this weekend! Calvin Lockrem and Dalton Sangwin each shot a perfect round of 25 and Landon Brown shot a perfect 50 for the day. In the senior division, the team took 5 of the top 10 spots with Sioux Central's Landon Brown in first, Dalton Sangwin in 3rd, Bryson Smith in 6th, and Braeden Cormany in 10th. Alyssa Kruse took 3rd place for the senior ladies division.  In the intermediate division, Calvin Lockrem took 4th place for men and Ella Haldin took 4th for ladies.   In team shooting, Storm Lake Grey's intermediate team took 1st place. Sioux Central athletes on this squad included Ryan Cormany and Calvin Lockrem. In the Senior division, Storm Lake RedGreen took 2nd with Landon Brown, Khayden Axdahl, and Alyssa Kruse as team members. The Storm Lake White senior team consisting of Austin Haldin, Kadin Haldin, Dalton Sangwin, Caiden Rebhuhn, and Bryson Smith took 3rd place.  The Storm Lake Trapshooting team consists of athletes from Sioux Central, Albert City-Truesdale, Storm Lake, Storm Lake St. Mary's, and Newell-Fonda. The team has 3 weeks of regular season meets left before heading to the state competition June 9 - 12.
Congratulations to members of the Storm Lake Trapshooters for their accomplishments this weekend! Calvin Lockrem and Dalton Sangwin each shot a perfect round of 25 and Landon Brown shot a perfect 50 for the day. In the senior division, the team took 5 of the top 10 spots with Sioux Central's Landon Brown in first, Dalton Sangwin in 3rd, Bryson Smith in 6th, and Braeden Cormany in 10th. Alyssa Kruse took 3rd place for the senior ladies division.  In the intermediate division, Calvin Lockrem took 4th place for men and Ella Haldin took 4th for ladies.   In team shooting, Storm Lake Grey's intermediate team took 1st place. Sioux Central athletes on this squad included Ryan Cormany and Calvin Lockrem. In the Senior division, Storm Lake RedGreen took 2nd with Landon Brown, Khayden Axdahl, and Alyssa Kruse as team members. The Storm Lake White senior team consisting of Austin Haldin, Kadin Haldin, Dalton Sangwin, Caiden Rebhuhn, and Bryson Smith took 3rd place.  The Storm Lake Trapshooting team consists of athletes from Sioux Central, Albert City-Truesdale, Storm Lake, Storm Lake St. Mary's, and Newell-Fonda. The team has 3 weeks of regular season meets left before heading to the state competition June 9 - 12.
Today's Graduation Ceremony will be live streamed. This might require you to create a free account. Congratulations to the Class of 2021! Here is the link:
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Wood
Congratulations to our seniors! Here is a video of the 2020-2021 senior spotlights.
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Ben Conlin!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Iowa Central for Diesel Tech, Playing Football all 4 years with Goodchild and picking on TJ. Go out for Football, Do your homework,
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Keirah Anderson!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Attend Iowa Central and Study in Criminal Justice	During freshman homecoming when we were playing tug-a-war against the seniors, and I fell on the floor and hung on to the rope with my hands and legs. The picture is in the 2018 yearbook.	Do not stand in a group in the hallway
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Gavin Morton!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
I will be attending DMACC this fall and taking the HVAC Tech course.	Ben Conlin falling into the wall and breaking it.
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Keegan Kruse!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Work	Power Hour	Don't miss school and do your work
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Preston Sundblad!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
 plan on working full time farming and trucking.Building trades with Goodchild. Have fun and make memories doing it.
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Abril Morales!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Attend to Iowa State University and major in Architecture 	One of my favorite memories was golfing with my friends 	Cherish every moment of high school by getting involve in many activities.
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Jack Stuckenschneider!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
don't procrastinate
Good morning Rebels! Here is the published summer food plan and schedule. Based on the feedback through the survey, we are going to serve out of our building on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Students will receive breakfast and lunch on each of those days for the week. Let's finish the year strong and have a great summer! Here is the School publication link below: Thank you, Mr. Wood
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Wood
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Catherine Hyde!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Future plans: Obtain a psych major at Morningside college and hopefully become a psychiatrist.  SC memory: I really enjoyed large group and small group band and choir. It was always terrible hot at competitions, and there was a lot of nervous children. Nonetheless it was some of the best days of highschool, the non-band nerds are missing out!  Advice for future students: High school is the easy part, try your best, then move on. Don't dwell on what could've been and worry about what you could be. Enjoy being a kid before adulthood slaps you in the face.
Just a will need to purchase your tickets for today's district meet online. The address is
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Colt Slunecka!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
work for a few and go to college 	The first day of my junior year going to the lake 	Take the hardest classes first save the easy ones for last
Sealed Bids for School Vehicles due tomorrow, Friday, May 14th at 12PM! See the following link for more information:
almost 4 years ago, Kelsey Miller
Red Ford E-150 Econoline
Red Ford Excursion
Grey Ford Taurus
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Jay Joenks!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Continue and advance my military career. Attend Iowa University to study pre-med.	Getting huge with the homies.	Embrace the suck.
Senior Spotlight! Join us as we honor #SiouxCentral senior, Connor Christian!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
I will be attending DMACC this fall to go into Electronic Engineering & Robotics 	Making it to State Basketball	Make the most of your high school experience because it doesn't last long.