The culinary May term had wonderful guest speakers today. Beth Fraser, a Pampered Chef consultant, spoke to the students about products and the career field. Shelby Brown from Sweet + Treats demonstrated how to make and decorate cookies along with cakes. She also spoke about her business. They both did an amazing job, and we appreciate the time and effort they put into working with our #SiouxCentral students.
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Shelby and students
Beth and students
Shelby and students
Beth and students
Mr. Perry's live sound production and intro to 3D printing May term group traveled to the Iowa Lakes campus in Estherville. Brett Fuelberth led a tour of the college's new auditorium. He showed the light controls, the sound booth, and a bit of what their new digital sound board can do as well as their digital camera/streaming system. Students also toured Spirit Lake High School's Sami Center where Gary Heady showed the basement orchestra pit and the catwalks above the stage and auditorium. He also showed the students how to adjust the sound board to compensate for feedback. Not only did students learn about sound production, they learned about production with a 3D printer. Students were able to design and print their creations! #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Printed lith0
3d printed cup
Mrs. Hoffman's Lifeguarding May term practiced CPR and practiced various rescue skills. The group really appreciated the support from the Spencer YMCA and Sam Larson as they trained. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
The #SiouxCentral introduction to engineering May term class has had numerous opportunities to learn! Friday, they traveled to Dordt University, toured the facilities and had the opportunity to discuss the different types of engineering with professors! They even used the Biomedical Engineering Lab with motion capture. The class also toured Interstates and spoke with the electrical engineers. The engineering panel and the facility was a great place to see how designs are utilized to produce the electrical boxes used around the world!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Students touring
students listening
whole group pic
students with sensors
In the health & medical careers class, SC students had the opportunity to become CPR certified during May Term. They also learned First Aid, paramedic, and chiropractic skills! Thank you to Dr. Tanner Morris from Meylor Chiropractic and Robin Patrick for volunteering your time to teach our students!
almost 4 years ago, Katie Morris
Learning CPR
Learning CPR
Learning paramedic skills
Learning chiropractic skills
Mr. Krager's construction May term group built a ticket booth for one of their projects. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
boys working on the project
in the ticket booth
Good luck to Kendra Casey today as she golfs at the Regional Finals held in Hull. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
The cosmetology May term group learned a lot the past few days! Guest speaker Angie Gunderson shared oodles of information on day 1, and the group toured ILCC's new Laker Salon/Cosmetology Program on Friday. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
For the second straight summer Coach Tjaden and Coach Krager are inviting basketball players of all ages to be a member of the "Sioux Central Shot Club." This is a 6 week program that charts your shot makes to see if you can reach the goal for your age group. Access the link and either make a new copy to chart your shots or print off a copy to keep track. Return them to either Coach Tjaden or Coach Krager and you will receive a prize and will be recognized as a member of the club during a varsity basketball game this upcoming season. If you have any questions pease contact one of the afore mentioned coaches. Thanks and happy shooting!
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
It is #SiouxCentral Elementary Track and Field Day! The students are enjoying their time outside participating in various events.
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Students on obstacle course
Student jumping over a yard marker
Students smiling
Photography Mayterm visited F8 Creative and Tim Fuchs Studio in Spencer - a great day of learning from people in the field.
almost 4 years ago, Angie Vanderhoff
Sioux Central's Photography Mayterm class visited DMACC campus in Ankeny on Monday to learn about the AAS photography degree.
almost 4 years ago, Angie Vanderhoff
Photography Department
May term provides so many career connected experiences for our students! Yesterday, Mrs. Christians’ culinary May term took part in a flavor testing at Cooks’ Emporium in Ames, and they toured Reiman Gardens. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Students at taste testing
Students at taste testing
At the gardens
TK had a DISNEY day. What a magical day that Ms. Lehnhoff planned for these kiddos, even including a virtual tour of Disney. We are going to miss you Ms. Lehnhoff. Best of luck to you on your next magical adventure!
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
TK Disney
Preschool graduation today! TK/Kindergarten here they come! We loved watching them grow this year!
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
preschool graduation
Mrs. Hanson’s May term class traveled to Ames to take a campus tour at ISU followed by visiting Janae Smith, a former #SiouxCentral graduate who is the owner of Thread It. She is a personal stylist and tailor. She also designs and repairs garments! She is a true inspiration for following her passion and doing what she loves!!!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Students and Janae
Today, Mrs. Riedemann's Introduction to Engineering May term class toured Rosenboom in Sheldon. Thank you for sharing your expertise with the students! #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Students at Rosenboom
Governor Reynolds signed HF 847 into law. The provision prohibiting K-12 schools - both public and accredited nonpublic - from mandating masks is effective immediately upon enactment. Therefore masks are optional for the remainder of the school year. We will continue to practice safe mitigation strategies as we finish the last few days of school.  Please stay safe and well. Mr. Wood 
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
Thanks to Lynn Withers, Mrs. Hanson's May term class had a fun day at TCE Boutique learning about running a business. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Thanks to Lynn Withers, Mrs. Hanson's May term class had a fun day at TCE Boutique learning about running a business.  #SiouxCentral
Good luck to our #SiouxCentral boys and girls state track qualifiers!!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
4x800 Meter Relay Brady Ehlers, Max Adams, Jacob Kueny, Ethan Mills    100 Meter Dash  Greg Peterson    400 Meter Hurdles  Greg Peterson   800 Meter Run  Jacob KuenyShuttle Hurdle Berkley Johannsen, Preslie Peterson,  Bradi Krager, Brynn Webber  4x800 Meter Relay Morgan Christian, Allison Ehlers,  Mireya Ledesma, Taylor Krager  Long Jump Preslie Peterson, Berkley Johannsen  100 Meter Hurdles Berkley Johannsen
4x800 Meter Relay Brady Ehlers, Max Adams, Jacob Kueny, Ethan Mills    100 Meter Dash  Greg Peterson    400 Meter Hurdles  Greg Peterson   800 Meter Run  Jacob Kueny