Twelve #SiouxCentral students are spending their May Term learning CPR for adult and infants with Spencer YMCA Aquatic Director Felica Dusing. Students enacted, as well as practiced how to handle various scenarios in the water and on land. Today and tomorrow they will continue training and testing to earn their certification!
The HS softball game tonight vs. Cherokee will be livestreamed. Please go to to access it. admission to those that bring one item for the food pantry in Cherokee.
May term classes: Careers in Health and Wellness, Medical Careers, and Emergency Management got together to lbring Beth Greene here, a flight nurse, to cover "Stop the Bleed" and bring the emergency helicopter in. The students were given a course on what to do if you come upon an accident and how to stop the bleed and offer aid to victims. They were also able to see the emergency helicopter and see how they operate. Students were able to look inside and see what they carry on board. One staff member, Jen Wittmaack and one student, Aiden Knudtson, were given a ride over Sioux Rapids in the helicopter. Elementary students were also to be outside and watch the helicopter land.
A retirement party for four Sioux Central retirees will be held Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 3:30PM in the Sioux Central Library! Come thank these dedicated teachers for their many years of service to the students of Sioux Central!
If you are planning on attending the HS BB/SB games tomorrow night in can receive free admission with a donation to the local food bank in Cherokee. They are asking for one item per person. Go Rebels!
Some final reminders for the Class of 2023!
Congratulations to Kendra Casey for qualifying for the state golf meet May 25th/26th. She will play at the American Legion course in Marshalltown. Spectator tickets need to be purchased online, and cart rentals are available by calling the course starting Monday, May 22nd.
Best of Luck to our Boys and Girls State Track Qualifiers as they compete over the next 3 days. You can watch them live at Attached is the schedule of events. GO REBELS!!!
4th Grade Maker Space has been working creatively with a long term project! The task was to create a structure out of old non-working appliances ranging from old laptops to hair rollers. Through their creative minds they were able to see how these things were put together, how they worked, and recycled them to something NEW!
Reminder, the last day of school is Friday, May 26, 2023. We will have a 1:15 Early dismissal that day.
Go Rebels!
Congratulations to Caiden Rebhuhn on signing to compete on the trap shooting team at Iowa Central next year!! Good luck, Caiden!
Congratulations to the JH Boys and Girls Track Teams for an amazing performance at the conference meet on Friday! Girls placed first and boys placed second! Awesome job, Rebels!!
There will be a parent meeting for all boys going out for HS baseball this Tuesday (5/16/23) in the media center. The meeting will start at 6:45 p.m.
Congratulations to all of the HS track state qualifiers! For the girls listing please visit and for the boys go to
Thank you so much to Jillian Johnson, assistant manager at Wal-Mart in Spencer, for all the donations given to Sioux Central. They filled our school supply cabinet, donated some great items to our Rock Shop, made goodie bags for staff and left meat and cheese trays for staff. We appreciate all your support Jillian. What a great treat at the end of a long week! #REBELNATION
The start time of the running events at today's MS track meet has been moved up to 5:00 p.m. can access live results at Go Rebels!
Middle School FFA - Monday, May 15 3:40-5:15pm - celebrating National Egg Month!
Congratulations to the Senior Class on their last day of high school classes today!!
The Sioux Central May term Construction class is finalizing their week long project and is potentially looking to build an approximate 12’ X 12’ storage shed as a project during the week of May 22th-26th. You are responsible for the materials, we will supply the labor. Completion of the project cannot be guaranteed because of these possible factors; students ability, weather, and any other unknown factors. If you are interested in having the class do this for you, please send an email to Mr. Krager at If there are multiple patrons interested, your name will be thrown into a hat and drawn at random. If you have questions regarding the opportunity, please do not hesitate to email Mr. Krager. Thanks
Just a reminder...tonight is senior night for all HS track and golf athletes. We will be honoring them and their parents at the home track meet at approximately 6:45 p.m.