Brooklyn Cavanaugh's lunch took our taste buds for a twist as her guests enjoyed a tasty buffalo chicken wrap- with the addition of fresh avocado, shredded carrots, and lettuce wrapped up in a flour tortilla, served along with homemade, creamy buttermilk ranch dressing. On the side, crispy, sweet potato fries and a delicious pickle wrap. Ending on a sweet note, her guests enjoyed a delightful strawberry cheesecake stuffed cupcake.
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Turnbull
Today was race day in Mr. Goodchild's introduction to manufacturing class! Students designed and constructed cars for their Metric Measuring CO2 Car unit. The kinder & 1st grade students were in attendance to cheer for their favorite cars! Here are the final results: Best Design: Brayden Kramber Best Paint: Cody Siebrecht Fastest (1.57): Ethan Wernimont Check out the slow motion video of the final race:
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
all the cars
Winners of the awards
Students setting up
Setting up
I wanted to allow parents/guardians one last opportunity to answer the Summer Lunch program survey by 2:00 Friday, April 23, 2021. Here is the link you should use if interested in the Summer food program. Go Rebels! Mr. Wood
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Wood
Sioux Central CSD is looking for a Nutrition and Activity Secretary to join our team. For details and to apply please see the job listing on TeachIowa:
almost 4 years ago, Kelsey Miller
Red SC logo on grey background
Sioux Central CSD is looking for a Technology/SRI Assistant to join our team. For details and to apply please see the job listing on TeachIowa:
almost 4 years ago, Kelsey Miller
Red SC logo on grey background
Sorry for the confusion, the first link that was shared is a broken link, here is the link you should use if interested in the Summer food program. Go Rebels!
almost 4 years ago, Kevin Wood
Beginning mid-May, we will begin to work on elementary class rosters for next school year. We work hard to ensure students are placed appropriately for success. It is our policy not to accept specific teacher requests from parents. In an effort to be fair and consistent, we would recommend that if you feel there are certain facts we need to know about your child that may help with placement, please complete the Classroom Environment Form describing such needs without requesting a specific teacher. Forms should be returned to the office no later than May 7, 2021. Please understand that this information will be one of the factors considered as we combine students and teachers in ways that will best assure all a successful and enjoyable 2021-2022 school year. All letters will be shared with your child’s teacher next school year so he/she can better support your child’s educational needs. Here is a link to the form:
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
The girls HS track meet for Tuesday (4/20/21) in Pocahontas has been cancelled due to cold temps and increasing wind speeds.
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
The JH track meet scheduled for today in Aurelia has been cancelled. A make-up date is being considered.
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
Grand March will be livestreamed tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. Go to and enter "Sioux Central" at the top in the search bar. You will then scroll down to "other activity". You may have to register an account to watch it.
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
Thank you to all who attended the elementary concert last night and participated in Coins for Connor. In that short time, we raised $1423.60. The kids had such a blast this morning estimating what the value was of the coins in the 2 jars. What an amazing community we live in. Connor's mom, Jessie, texted me last night to thank everyone so much for the support, and she said it best when she wrote, "Sioux Central Strong!"
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
No one Fights Alone
Coins for Connor
We Love You Connor!
Brunch anyone? Keirah Anderson was the lead chef preparing a nice bacon, egg & cheese bake, with a fresh fruit salad and crispy breakfast potatoes with sweet peppers. Her guests ended a nice filling meal with a delectably sweet s’mores crepe.
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Turnbull
Just a reminder about the 5th-8th baseball camp tomorrow. Starts at 9:00 a.m. for Pitcher/Catchers and 10:30 a.m. for infielders/outfielders. Both in Peterson. Walk-ups welcome. If you need more info please contact Mr. Vasher @
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
Prom is Saturday, April 17th. The Grand March, which begins at 6:30 PM, will be live-streamed. All those attending the Grand March must wear masks. Pictures for prom attendees will begin at 5:00 PM in the elementary gym. #SiouxCentral
almost 4 years ago, Erin Olson
Prom is this Saturday, April 17th. The Grand March, which begins at 6:30 pm, will be live streamed. All those attending the Grand March must wear masks. Pictures for prom attendees will begin at 5:00 pm in the elementary gym.
Sioux Central students in grades TK - 4 will present their “Spring Sing” on Thursday, April 15th at 7:00PM in the gym. Masks will be required for all singers and audience members. This year’s concert will focus on songs sung on a family road trip. It will be a fun program! We are doing a “Coins for Connor” fundraiser in conjunction with the concert. The proceeds will help Connor Hansen. Connor Hansen (parents Jessie and Kyle Hansen) is a 2nd grader at Sioux Central. He was diagnosed with All-Acute-Lymphoblastic Leukemia and spent several weeks at the Children's Hospital in Omaha for treatment. Connor is currently in remission but continues his treatments in Omaha and will be out of in-person school for the remainder of the school year. Please help us collect “Coins for Connor” on April 15th! Bring your change. There will be a jar inside the gym doors for your donations. We look forward to seeing you at the Elementary Spring Sing on April 15th!
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
The HS golf meets for today have been postponed. The HS boys track meet in Spirit Lake has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
5th and 6th Grade Parents: Middle School Transition Night Tuesday, April 13 at 6:00 pm in the gym. 8th Grade Parents: High School Transition Night Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 pm in the gym.
almost 4 years ago, Kari Schmidt
Reminder...the HS girls track meet tonight in Holstein will start at 4:30 p.m. for both running events, and field events. Go Rebels!
almost 4 years ago, Alan Vasher
Anthony will be attending Basic Training and AIT (Job Training) this summer/fall. Once completed, Anthony will be a 91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (Diesel Mechanic). Your Rebel family is so proud of you Anthony! For his service in the Iowa National Guard Anthony will be awarded The Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship: $9,274 Per year Federal Tuition Assistance: $4,000 Per Year Montgomery GI Bill: $397 Per Month while going to College GI Bill Kicker: $200 Per Month While going to College
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Turnbull