We have gathered up four Sioux Central staff members to highlight this week. Each one has a full plate but always makes time for students! For that, we are thankful! Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Spanish III and IV students spent part of their school day at BVU's Spanish Language Fair. This year's focus was on Ecuador. Check out some of their experiences from today!
Meet the seniors and hear from the players as they share their excitements for this year's girls basketball season brought to you by Sioux Central's marketing class. Come out and support the lady Rebels tonight at their season opener! Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/cYJmlEsGWEk
Just a reminder that we encourage pre-purchasing your event tickets online at https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/siouxcentral/tickets or use CC/DC at the door. We ask those of you that are attending the girls wrestling tournament tonight to use the main doors, if possible.
Time just keeps "marching" on as we near the holidays and the halfway point of the school year. Here at SC we are thankful for those who "guide" us. It is of "principal" interest for those on staff to provide a solid education for our students. Thank you to this week's SPOTLIGHTERS! We are lucky to have you.
Come out tomorrow for out home meet @ 6pm and support the girls wrestling team! Dress up in your neon apparel and cheer loud for our wrestlers!
Congratulations Rebels on your successes for the 2023 volleyball season!
Basketball Clothing order. Most is universal; one of the garments says "Girls Basketball". Orders are due November 16th. Make checks payable to Sioux Central Basketball.
Sioux Central is continuing to move forward with cashless admission to athletic contests this winter. We would appreciate pre-purchased tickets, or DC/CC at the door, to athletic contests. Buy tickets online at https://www.gobound.com/ia/schools/siouxcentral/tickets. Go Rebels!
Come see Sioux Central's production of Disney's The Little Mermaid this weekend! Friday November 10 @ 7 PM, Saturday November 11 @ 2 PM & 7 PM at the Old School in Sioux Rapids. If you'd like to see some fun video from the kids, like the Sioux Central Music Boosters page on Facebook
Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. Doors will open 40 minutes before showtime.
Good luck to Emma Storms and the rest of the swim team as they compete at the state meet this Thursday-Saturday. The meet will be held in Marshalltown all three days. Good Luck!
Just a reminder about the Veterans Day program on Friday, Nov. 10 @ 10:30 in the high school gym. All veterans and community members are invited. This year there will be a guest speaker, a former SC student currently enlisted in the Army: SFC Seth Rachuy.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You, the Community, have spoken, and have spoken loudly about your unwavering support for our school, our students, and their shining futures.
Your vote, your voice, resoundingly speaks volumes about the essential nature of a quality educational experience. The overwhelming margin of approval of the PPEL VOTE 78%, provides the resources to allow us to reach our current goals and keep things moving in the right direction. The Ag, Arts, and Academics project is closer to becoming a reality.
The support for this project provides the resources to contend and compete with surrounding districts but most importantly provides ongoing opportunities for our students here at Sioux Central. Certainly, we will remain focused and continue getting feedback as this project moves forward and preserve fiscal responsibility throughout this project.
The focus is truly on maximizing opportunities for all of our students and helping each student realize their full potential through these new opportunities.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Go Rebel Community,
Admin Team
SC Board of Education
Winter Rebel order from SC Booster Club. Orders Due November 14th.
Good morning Sioux Central Community,
I just wanted to reach out to the community and share the polling information. The website listed in this email will direct you to the proper polling site for the upcoming School Board election and PPEL vote. I also attached a Sample Ballot for the community members to look at before heading to the polls today. Here is the website for the polling sites: Map on our website https://bvcountyelections.iowa.gov/ You can also use the Secretary of State website: https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/voterreg/pollingplace/search.aspx. Please reach out with any questions.
Go Rebels, Mr. Wood
Please Get out and VOTE for the Ag, Arts, and Academic project ! This would be such a great opportunity for our Sioux Central Students. Please get out and vote for the PPEL today!
Mr. Wood
This year's 23-24 junior high/high school yearbook is available to order! Cost is $45 and the last day to order is April 15. Click the link to order: https://yearbookforever.com/schools/sioux_central_school_buy_yearbook_19456/HEwoSiSNPscN5puzSUO4bF1p
Sioux Central's Veterans Day program will be held FRIDAY, NOV. 10 @ 10:30 A.M. in the high school gym.
Staff Spotlight!! Congratulations to these team members who keep the 'wheels on the bus going round and round!'
Sioux Central FFA recognized as a National Two-Star Chapter for a rigorous Program of Activities meeting member, chapter, community needs.