Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors. Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Ethan Runneberg!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors. Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Ethan Runneberg!
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors. Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Kally Fahnlander!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Kally Fahnlander		Attend Iowa State University and major in undecided	Participating at State Track with my team	Make the most of your time at Sioux Central you never know when something can cut it short.
Join us as we celebrate and honor our seniors. Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight Student is...Shelby Johnson!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Shelby Johnson		Hopefully go to SDSU and get a degree in computer programming/animation	Getting super competitive during the homecoming games.
We’re thrilled to announce Sioux Central Community School District’s new website and app will be going live this Friday! Access news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
almost 5 years ago, Diane Ulrich
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors! Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Robert Morfitt!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Robert Morfitt		Go to Iowa Central for Computer Integrated Technology  	Having fun while building a garage for building trades 	Just show up to your classes and you’ll pass for the most part
Sioux Central is transitioning to a new instant emergency alert system. To sign up for emergency alerts please fill out this Google form
almost 5 years ago, Diane Ulrich
#SiouxCentral will be taking part in "Light Up Iowa" by lighting up the FB field tonight from 8:00-8:20 (1 minute for each day we've been out of school). We can't wait to have you back at our fields with the lights on and everyone back together again! #lightupIA
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Do you have senior that still needs information about the financial aid process? Join ICAN on Monday, April 13 at 5:30 pm from any device!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
A guide to the Financial Aid Process. Online Seminar. Connect from any device anywhere. ICAN PRESENTS.
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors! Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...BrookLynn Anderson!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
BrookLynn Anderson's senior spotlight: Attend DMACC for Early Elementary Education 	Playing the sport I love with some of the best girls I’ve ever met.	Don’t waste your high school years trying to make everything work for everyone else, live for you during these four years.
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors! Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Brady Madsen!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Brady Madsen Senior Spotlight: Attend Buena Vista University to play football and major in Rehabilitative Health Sciences	Listening to Mr.Rachuy and Tiefs driver’s ed stories and hoping we are not one of the bad groups	Get your work done, it’s not that bad
Practice math and play card games with your family. Learning is fun :).
almost 5 years ago, Kari Schmidt
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors! Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Mia Shannon!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Go to Iowa Lakes Community College, major in Graphic Design,First day for Senior year when we went to the pond, Don’t procrastinate!
Join us as we honor and celebrate our seniors! Today's #SiouxCentral Senior Spotlight student is...Caleb Rock.
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Caleb Rock's picture sharing his future plans and hs memory
The #SiouxCentral faculty and staff miss their students. Check out the message teachers left on the fence!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
"We Miss You" is written on the fence using plastic cups
#SiouxCentral weekly share curated by Erin Olson! You can find info. about online lessons, Dolly Parton reading bedtime stories, and even how to write a poem without writing! For this and more...
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Weekly Share. Techie and Not So Techie Resources to Support Teaching and Learning
#SiouxCentral Seniors, we want to celebrate you! Please check your email for a link to the Senior Spotlight form, and fill it out. We'll be creating & sharing SC Senior Spotlight posts on social media in the coming weeks. Contact Mrs. Olson with ?'s at
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Senior Spotlight, make sure SC Yearbook Staff has your baby pic and senior pic, if you do not have a senior pic, indicate on the form how you would like Mrs. Olson to proceed. Expect to see this in the coming weeks on SC social media.
Check out this week's weekly share curated by Erin Olson. Want to doodle w/ Mo Williams? Are you ready to go to the zoo, virtually? For all of this and more, check out: #SiouxCentral
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
Weekly Share graphic, Techie and Not So Techie Resources to Support Teaching and Learning
April ACT rescheduled - The safety of students and test center staff is ACT’s top priority. ACT has rescheduled its April 4 national test date to June 13 across the U.S. in response to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). All students registered for the April 4 test date will receive an email from ACT in the next few days informing them of the postponement and instructions for free rescheduling to June 13 or a future national test date.
almost 5 years ago, Sioux Central CSD
Check out this week's share from Erin Olson (@eolsonteacher)! Did you know author Peter Reynolds reads daily online or Audible has free stories for kids? Find more information about this & more!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Olson
weekly share graphic that says techie and not so techie resources to support teaching and learning
Students & Parents: Items may be picked up at the school this week only. Starting Monday, March 23rd the school building will be closed to all students & parents. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Miller