Beginning mid-May, we begin to formalize class rosters for the next school year. We work hard to ensure students are placed appropriately for success. In the best interest of the children, as well as the teachers and the school climate, each grade level will work with the principal, counselor, special education teachers, etc. to form classes for the school year. The climate or learning environment of the class is an important element for student success. Factors to be considered by the teachers as classes are formed include, but are not limited to, individual students’ strengths, challenges, work habits, conduct, and special programs. Our intention is to form well-balanced learning communities where all children will succeed.
We understand how precious your children are to you, and we, too, have the best interests of each student of Sioux Central at heart. We do value your thoughts. In an effort to be fair and consistent, we would recommend that if you feel there are certain new facts we need to know about your child, please complete a Classroom Information Sheet describing such needs without requesting a specific teacher. If, for example, your child has specific educational or behavioral needs, describe them for us. Forms should be returned to the office (e-mail, mail, or drop off) no later than May 15. The form is attached Classroom Form or you can e-mail and she will send get you one.
Please understand that this information will be one of the factors considered as we combine students and teachers in ways that will best assure all a successful and enjoyable school year. All letters will be shared with your child’s teacher next school year so he/she can better support your child’s educational needs. The final decision is made by the administration.