Sioux Central’s English Language Learner program uses an approach called “sheltered instruction.” This means ELL students learn the language both in their classrooms and individually with an English language associate.

ELL Program Goal

  1. To help students to become English proficient in language skills of speaking, reading, writing, listening.

  2. To help students to successfully participate in classroom learning situations and other school activities.

  3. To help students to develop and/or receive positive attitudes toward self, school, and community.

FAQ's about ELL

Identification: How are English language learners identified?

  • All new students complete a Home Language Survey at registration with their parents or guardian.

Placement: When a language other than English is spoken at home.

  • The ELL associate uses grade level English proficiency tests for speaking, reading and writing.

  • When students are not proficient, the English language associate sends a letter to the parents/guardian (in their home language) to inform them their child will be served in the English language learner program.

Communications: How do we communicate with parents?

  • The district makes every attempt to inform language minority parents of all school matters through translated letters and notices. The ELL associate is available to interpret for ELL families.

Exiting: How do students exit from the program?

  • Students exit the program when the state English language test, the Iowa-English Language Development Assessment (I-ELDA) shows students are proficient with a score of six in speaking, listening, reading and writing at their grade level two consecutive years.

  • Proficient students may continue in the program for extra support before they exit. The ELL associate watches student progress through classroom grades and tests, student classroom performance, communications with the classroom teachers and observations during ELL time together.

Contact Troy Thams, ELL instructor, for more information: tthams@siouxcentral.org